Name:_______________________________________Student ID No.:_______________
School: _________________Class:___________ Major:_________________________
Permanent Address:________________________________________________________
Campus/Local Address:_____________________________________________________
Local Telephone:__________________E-Mail Address:_________________________
Requirement Category | Course(s) | Semester/Year | Grade |
1. Introductory World Politics |
2. Global Institutions and Problems |
3. Int. Financial or Commercial System |
4. Modern IR History |
5. American Foreign Policy |
6. Foreign Languages * |
7. Foreign Area Studies (two courses) |
* If requirement fulfilled with other than a course, please specify:
Date Requirements Completed:________ Advisor's Signature______________________________________
The grades on this sheet must be verified by the home institution's Registrar, and then sent to: Vincent Ferraro, International Relations Program, 103 Skinner Hall, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA 01075